Flowers Name In Marathi – 40+ फुलांची यादी

Flowers Name In Marathi

Flowers have always been an integral part of Indian culture, and Marathi culture is no exception. Flowers play a significant role in festivals, weddings, and other celebrations. They are also used in daily rituals and prayers. In this article, we will explore the various flowers name in Marathi, along with their cultural and symbolic significance. So, let’s dive into the colorful world of Marathi flowers!

Flowers Name In Marathi and English are Provided in this list with their Images. Different flowers are used for different purposes and there are a lot of flower species in this world. Every Flower has its own specific shape color and fragrance, and it looks very charming. Flowers are the most important creations and enhance the world’s beauty.

The Beauty of Flowers in Marathi Culture

Flowers hold immense cultural significance in Marathi culture. They are not just used for decoration but also have deep spiritual and symbolic meanings. The Marathi language has an extensive vocabulary of flower names, each with its unique symbolism and importance.

Marathi language has a rich vocabulary of flowers, each with its unique name and significance. Here are some popular flowers in Marathi that are widely used in festivals, weddings, and other celebrations:

  • Gulab (Rose)

Gulab, also known as the “King of Flowers,” is a popular flower in Marathi culture. Its scientific name is Rosa, and it comes in different colors like red, pink, and white. In Marathi, the rose is called “Gulab,” and it represents love, beauty, and romance.

  •  Mogra (Jasmine)

Mogra, also known as the “Arabian Jasmine,” is a fragrant flower that is widely used in Marathi culture. Its scientific name is Jasminum sambac, and it comes in different colors like white and pink. In Marathi, the jasmine is called “Mogra,” and it represents purity, simplicity, and modesty.

  • Chafa (Frangipani)

Chafa, also known as the “Temple Tree,” is a beautiful flower that is widely used in Marathi culture. Its scientific name is Plumeria rubra, and it comes in different colors like white, yellow, and pink. In Marathi, the frangipani is called “Chafa,” and it represents devotion, faith, and spirituality.

  • Shevanti (Chrysanthemum)

Shevanti, also known as the “Chrysanthemum,” is a popular flower in Marathi culture. Its scientific name is Chrysanthemum indicum, and it comes in different colors like yellow, pink, and white. In Marathi, the chrysanthemum is called “Shevanti,” and it represents happiness, joy, and longevity.

Significance of Flowers in Marathi Culture

Flowers hold immense significance in Marathi culture, and they are not just used for decoration but also have deep spiritual and symbolic meanings.

  • Festivals and Celebrations

Flowers are an integral part of festivals and celebrations in Marathi culture. They are used to decorate homes, temples, and public spaces. During festivals like Diwali and Ganesh Chaturthi, Marathi people decorate their homes and workplaces with flowers like marigold and rose.

  • Weddings and Engagements

Flowers are an important part of Marathi weddings and engagements. They are used in the decoration of the wedding venue, the bride’s hair, and the groom’s turban. Flowers like jasmine, roses, and marigold are used extensively in Marathi weddings.

  • Religious and Spiritual Significance

Flowers also hold great religious and spiritual significance in Marathi culture. They are offered to deities during prayers and rituals. Flowers like lotus, hibiscus, and chrysanthemum are considered sacred in Marathi culture and are used in various religious ceremonies.

40 Flowers Name In Bangali and English

Let’s have a look at the list of 50+ Beautiful and attractive Flower Names in Bangali with their English Translation. 

Top 10 Flowers Name in Marathi

The 10 Flowers Name in English and Marathi are Rose, Lotus, Jasmine, Sunflower, Daisy, Tulip, Magnolia, Lavender, Balsam and Flax गुलाब, कमळ, जास्मिन, सूर्यफूल, डेझी, ट्यूलिप, मॅग्नोलिया, लॅव्हेंडर, बाल्सम, अंबाडी Respectively!

Flowers Name In Marathi

Flowers Name In Marathi Details

Flowers Name In Marathi are provided below. Their uses and scientific names are also provided. You can also check the flowers Name In Hindi & English, and Flowers Name In Bangali.

Flower Name Rose


Scientific Name: Rosa

गुलाब हे एक सुंदर फूल आहे आणि त्याचे वैज्ञानिक नाव “रोसा” आहे जे लॅटिन शब्दापासून आले आहे. गुलाब वेगवेगळ्या प्रकारचे आणि रंगांचे असतात पण लाल गुलाब सर्वात आकर्षक असतो. लाल गुलाब प्रेम, प्रणय आणि आकर्षकपणाचे प्रतीक आहेत. 🌹 मोबाईलमधील रेड रोझ इमोजीचा वापर प्रेम पाठवण्यासाठी किंवा दोन व्यक्तिमत्त्वांमधील प्रेम दाखवण्यासाठी केला जातो. हे गुलाब बहुतेक व्हॅलेंटाईन डे किंवा मदर्स डेला वापरले जाते.



Scientific Name: Nelumbo Nucifera

कमळ हे एक आश्चर्यकारक फूल आहे आणि सामान्यतः ते आशियामध्ये आढळते. कमळ हे भारतीय राष्ट्रीय फूल आहे. इजिप्शियन लोकांसाठी त्यांच्या धर्मात कमळाचे फूल खूप महत्वाचे होते. त्याचा अर्थ संस्कृतीनुसार बदलतो परंतु सर्वसाधारणपणे याचा अर्थ पुनर्जन्म, शुद्धता आणि सामर्थ्य असा होतो. हे सूर्याचे प्रतीक होते कारण तो रात्री बंद होतो आणि पाण्याच्या खाली जातो. ते पाणी आहे, लिली. यामध्ये कॅन्सरच्या पेशी आणि बॅक्टेरिया मारण्यासाठी फायदेशीर ठरणारी रसायने असतात. रसायने त्वचेचे, यकृताचे आणि मेंदूचे संरक्षण करतात.



Scientific Name: Jasminum

जास्मीन हे सर्वात सुंदर फूल आहे. हे त्याच्या सुगंधामुळे खूप प्रसिद्ध आहे. त्यात एक मजबूत आणि गोड सुगंध आहे. त्याचा सुगंध साबण, मेणबत्त्या, परफ्यूम, लोशन आणि इतर अनेक उत्पादनांमध्ये वापरला जातो. हे पूर्ण सनी आणि अंशतः छायांकित भागात वाढते. त्याचा सुगंध मूड सुधारण्यासाठी, तणाव कमी करण्यासाठी आणि अन्नाची लालसा कमी करण्यासाठी वापरला जातो. हायड्रेट आणि मऊ त्वचा मिळविण्यासाठी हे खूप उपयुक्त आहे.

FAQ About Flowers in Marathi

Here are some frequently asked questions about flowers in Marathi:

What is the Marathi name for a lotus flower?

The Marathi name for a lotus flower is “Kamal.”

What is the Marathi name for a marigold flower?

The Marathi name for a marigold flower is “Genda.”

What is the significance of flowers in Marathi culture?

Flowers hold immense cultural, religious, and spiritual significance in Marathi culture. They are used in festivals, weddings, and other celebrations and are also offered to deities during prayers and rituals.

What are some popular flowers used in Marathi weddings?

Jasmine, roses, marigold, and frangipani are some popular flowers used in Marathi weddings.


In conclusion, the vibrant and diverse world of flowers in Marathi culture is truly fascinating. Each flower has its unique symbolism and cultural significance. From festivals to weddings to daily rituals, flowers play an integral role in Marathi culture. We hope this article has given you an insight into the various flowers name in Marathi, along with their cultural and symbolic significance. So, the next time you see a flower, you’ll know more about its significance in Marathi culture!


  • Arslan Aasi

    Arslan Aasi is a dedicated writer, founder, and contributor of his flower-focused blog . With a deep admiration for the enchanting beauty of flowers, Arslan shares this passion through his detailed and insightful articles. His blog is a treasure trove for anyone wishing to enhance their understanding of the floral world. Known for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to accurate, contemporary information, Arslan's work inspires readers to appreciate the majesty of both exotic and humble blooms. His dedication to sharing the intricacies of flowers positions his blog as a leading resource for flower enthusiasts globally.

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