Flowers Name In Bangali – 50+ বাংলায় ফুলের নাম

Flowers Name In Bangali

Welcome to a vibrant journey through Bengal’s floral paradise. Flowers Name in Bangali is more than a mere list; it’s a celebration of the rich and colorful botanical heritage of Bengal. This guide aims to not only introduce you to over 50 enchanting Bengali flower names but also to immerse you in the stories and cultural significance behind each bloom. Whether you’re a botany enthusiast, a student, or simply a lover of nature’s beauty, this comprehensive guide will deepen your connection with the flora of Bengal.

In Bengal, flowers are not just part of the landscape; they are woven into the very fabric of daily life and culture. From religious ceremonies to romantic verses, flowers are a symbol of beauty, purity, and life itself. Through this guide, we invite you to explore these symbols and their meanings in the Bengali context.

Bengal’s Floral Tapestry

Bengal is a land where nature’s artistry is displayed in full glory. The region’s geographical diversity, ranging from lush deltas to forested hills, creates a unique environment that nurtures an extraordinary variety of flowers. Each flower, with its distinct color, shape, and fragrance, contributes to the rich tapestry of Bengal’s natural beauty.

This natural abundance is deeply intertwined with the cultural fabric of Bengal. Flowers are omnipresent in Bengali literature, music, and art, symbolizing everything from divine love to the changing seasons. Understanding the names and cultural significance of these flowers is a way to connect more deeply with Bengali heritage and appreciate the natural world in all its splendor.

The Essence of Flowers in Bengali Life

In Bengal, flowers are much more than ornamental. They are a vital part of daily life, rituals, and traditions. For instance, the marigold, with its bright orange hues, is synonymous with auspicious occasions, adorning temples and homes during festivals. The sweet fragrance of jasmine is often woven into garlands, symbolizing purity and love.

Moreover, flowers in Bengal carry a wealth of symbolic meanings. The white lotus, often seen in ponds across Bengal, is a symbol of spiritual purity and is extensively featured in religious iconography. In contrast, the fiery red of the Krishnachura speaks of passion and the vibrancy of life. Understanding these nuances adds a layer of depth to our appreciation of Bengali culture.

  • Krishnachura (Royal Poinciana): The Krishnachura, with its flamboyant red blooms, is a spectacular sight in the Bengali summer. This tree, native to Madagascar, has adapted beautifully to Bengal’s climate, symbolizing the fiery spirit and resilience of the land.
  • Shapla (Water Lily): Bengal’s water bodies are often adorned with the serene beauty of Shapla, the water lily. As the national flower of Bangladesh, it holds a special place in the heart of Bengalis, representing peace, purity, and the harmonious balance of life.

Bengal’s Rare Floral Gems:

  • Night-flowering Jasmine (Harsingar): The Night-flowering Jasmine, known locally as Harsingar, is a symbol of the mystical side of Bengal. Blooming only at night, it is revered for its medicinal properties and its ethereal beauty, often associated with celestial themes in folklore and literature.
  • Kath Golap (Indian Lotus): The Kath Golap, or Indian Lotus, is a rare sight in Bengal’s wetlands. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the lotus is a sacred symbol of enlightenment and self-regeneration, reflecting the spiritual depth and philosophical introspection inherent in Bengali culture.

Top 50 Flowers Name in Bangali

Here is the list of 50 Important and Most Beautiful Flowers Name in Bengali and English. Let’s Check the list. 

No Image English Bangali
1 Rose Rose গোলাপ
2 Lotus Lotus পদ্ম
3 Jasmine Jasmine জুঁই
4 Sunflower Sunflower সূর্যমুখী
5 daisy Daisy ডেইজি
6 Tulip Tulip টিউলিপ
7 magnolia Magnolia
8 Lavender Lavender ল্যাভেন্ডার
9 Balsam Balsam বালসাম
10 Flax Flax শণ
11 Butterfly Pea Butterfly Pea প্রজাপতি মটর
12 Crossandra Crossandra ক্রসেন্দ্রা
13 Golden Shower Golden Shower গোল্ডেন শাওয়ার
14 Forest Ghost Forest Ghost বন ভূত
15 Yellow Marigold Yellow Marigold হলুদ গাঁদা
16 Pot Marigold Pot Marigold পাত্র গাঁদা
17 Star Jasmine Star Jasmine তারকা জেসমিন
18 Night Blooming Jasmine Night Blooming Jasmine নাইট ব্লুমিং জেসমিন
19 Jasminum Sambac Jasminum Sambac জেসমিনাম সাম্বাক
20 Crape Jasmine Crape Jasmine ক্রেপ জেসমিন
21 White Frangipani White Frangipani সাদা ফ্রাঙ্গিপানি
22 Hibiscus Hibiscus হিবিস্কাস
23 Peacock Flower Peacock Flower ময়ূর ফুল
24 Scarlet Milkweed Scarlet Milkweed স্কারলেট মিল্কউইড
25 Black Turmeric Black Turmeric কালো হলুদ
26 Cobra Saffron Cobra Saffron কোবরা জাফরান
27 Yellow Oleander Yellow Oleander হলুদ ওলেন্ডার
28 Chandramallika Chandramallika চন্দ্রমল্লিকা
29 Periwinkle Periwinkle পেরিউইঙ্কল
30 Puncture Vine Puncture Vine পাংচার ভাইন
31 Blue Water Lily Blue Water Lily ব্লু ওয়াটার লিলি
32 Aloe Vera Flower Aloe Vera Flower অ্যালোভেরা ফুল
33 Shameplant Shameplant শেমপ্ল্যান্ট
34 Chamomile Chamomile ক্যামোমাইল
35 Delonix Regia Delonix Regia ডেলোনিক্স রেজিয়া
36 Night Flowering Jasmine Night Flowering Jasmine নাইট ফ্লাওয়ারিং জেসমিন
37 Hiptage Hiptage হিপটেজ
38 Murraya Murraya মুরায়া
39 Narcissus Narcissus নার্সিসাস
40 Pandanus Pandanus পান্ডানাস
41 Sweet Violet Sweet Violet সুইট ভায়োলেট
42 Poppy Flower Poppy Flower পোস্ত ফুল
43 Grand Crinum Lily Grand Crinum Lily গ্র্যান্ড ক্রিনাম লিলি
44 Prickly Pear Prickly Pear প্রিকলি নাশপাতি
45 Creeper Creeper লতা
46 Stramonium Stramonium স্ট্রামোনিয়াম
47 Hollyhock Hollyhock হলিহক
48 Dahlia Dahlia ডালিয়া
49 Lady’s slipper orchid Lady’s slipper orchid ভদ্রমহিলার স্লিপার অর্কিড
50 Foxtail Orchid Foxtail Orchid ফক্সটেল অর্কিড

FAQ Regarding Flower Names In Bangali

What are the 5 Flowers Name In Bangali?

5 Flowers Name In Bangali Are Rose, Lotus, Jasmine, Sunflower, Daisy ( গোলাপ, পদ্ম, জুঁই, সূর্যমুখী, ডেইজি ) Respectively!

What is the Red Flower Name In Bangali?

Red Flower or Red Rose Name in Bangali is লাল গোলাপ.

What is the Tulip Flower Name In Bangali?

The Tulip Flower Name in Bangali is টিউলিপ.

What is the Lily Flower Name in Bangali?

Lily Flower Name In Bangali is শাপলা ফুল.

Write all Season Flowers Name In Bangali.

All season Flower includes Rose, Lantana, Adenium, Bougainvillea, Hibiscus, Ixora, Crossandra, Kalanchoes,Christ Plant, Tiobouchina and In Bangali their names are রোজ, ল্যান্টানা, অ্যাডেনিয়াম, বোগেনভিলিয়া, হিবিস্কাস, ইক্সোরা, ক্রসান্দ্রা, কালাঞ্চোস, ক্রিস্ট প্ল্যান্ট, টিওবোচিনা Respectively.

What are the Rainy Season Flowers?

The 10 Rainy Season Flowers are Balsam, Marigold, Cosmos, Sunflower. Zinnia, Cleome, Salvia, Portulaca, Ageratum, Cocks comb and their Bangali Names are বালসাম, গাঁদা, কসমস, সূর্যমুখী। জিনিয়া, ক্লিওম, সালভিয়া, পোর্টুলাকা, এগারটাম, কক্স কম্ব Respectively!


Flowers Name

Flowers Name In Gujarati

Flowers Name In Kannada

Flowers Name In Tamil

Flowers Name In Telugu


Our journey through the enchanting world of Bengal’s flowers brings us to an end, but the exploration doesn’t have to stop here. We hope this guide has not only introduced you to the myriad of flowers that grace this land but also brought you closer to understanding their deeper significance in Bengali culture and daily life. As you encounter these blooms in gardens, markets, or the wild, remember their names and stories, and cherish the connection they forge between nature, culture, and you.


  • Arslan Aasi Noori

    Arslan Aasi is a dedicated writer, founder, and contributor of his flower-focused blog . With a deep admiration for the enchanting beauty of flowers, Arslan shares this passion through his detailed and insightful articles. His blog is a treasure trove for anyone wishing to enhance their understanding of the floral world. Known for his meticulous attention to detail and commitment to accurate, contemporary information, Arslan's work inspires readers to appreciate the majesty of both exotic and humble blooms. His dedication to sharing the intricacies of flowers positions his blog as a leading resource for flower enthusiasts globally.

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