What should I do after laser hair removal in Chicago?


Laser hair removal is an amazing invention for people who love to have smooth skin and get rid of razor bumps and waxing pain. This is a delicate treatment that offers long lasting results. Like every treatment, there are some care instructions to follow before and after the treatment. In this article we will focus on the aftercare part. We researched this topic for a while by checking quality resources and trustworthy websites about laser hair removal. We explored the top-rated clinics offering laser hair removal in Chicago area, checked their websites and blog posts to collect the most important information on what to do after a laser hair removal treatment. This is an informative guide. For more accurate information we recommend requesting a consultation with a licensed laser technician.

Immediate Care

  • Avoid Sun Exposure:For at least a few weeks after your treatment, steer clear of direct sunlight. The sun can irritate your skin and potentially cause hyperpigmentation. If you must go outside, wear protective clothing and sunscreen with a high SPF.
  • Don’t Pick or Scratch:It’s tempting to touch or pick at the treated area, but resist the urge. Doing so can lead to infections or scarring. Let the skin heal naturally.
  • Avoid Hot Water and Harsh Products:For a few days, avoid hot showers, saunas, and steam rooms. These can irritate your skin. Additionally, refrain from using harsh soaps, scrubs, or fragrances on the treated area.

Long-Term Care

  • Moisturize Regularly:Keep your skin hydrated by applying a gentle moisturizer daily. This can help prevent dryness and itching.
  • Follow Up Treatments:Laser hair removal often requires multiple sessions to achieve optimal results. Be sure to schedule follow-up appointments as recommended by your provider.
  • Avoid Waxing and Plucking:These methods of hair removal can interfere with the laser’s effectiveness. Stick to gentle methods like shaving or trimming between treatments.

Potential Side Effects and When to Seek Help

While most side effects are minor and temporary, it’s important to be aware of potential issues. Common side effects include:

  • Redness and Swelling:These are normal and should subside within a few days.
  • Blisters:If you develop blisters, avoid touching them and contact your provider.
  • Hyperpigmentation or Hypopigmentation:These are changes in skin color that can occur in some cases.

Remember, this just an informative guide and if you experience sever pain, swelling, or any other unusual symptoms, you should contact your healthcare provider.

Now that you have an idea on what to do after a laser hair removal treatment, let’s explore a few pre care instructions for you to know what you need to do before you come in for your laser hair removal appointment.

Pre Care

Prior to arriving for your laser hair removal treatment.

  • The area of treatment should be shaved at least 12 hours prior to treatment.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes on the day.
  • Avoid alcohol or smoking the night before and on the day of the treatment.
  • Drink at least 1 liter of water the day before and the day of treatment – this helps your body to regulate its temperature.
  • Arrive early prior so that you are relaxed.
  • Do not exercise before the treatment.
  • Avoid applying any products on areas of treatment, keep it dry and clean prior to treatment.
  • Do not expose the skin to UV light (sunlight or sunbeds) or apply any self-tanning products for 8 weeks prior to treatment.

In order for treatment to be successful and effective with minimal potential adverse effects as possible, you must follow the pre care and aftercare routine as indicated by your Chicago laser hair removal technician.

What to do if You Have These Common Side Effects


Apply cool ice packs to the affected area, taking them on and off every three to five minutes for one to two hours (do not apply ice pack for more than five minutes at a time). Also, apply hydrocortisone 1%, or Aquaphor® to the affected area up to three times a day until it resolves.


We recommend taking oral liquid Benadryl®, Allegra® or Clarting® (antihistamines available over the counter) as needed, as well as applying hydrocortisone 1%, and or Aquaphor® to the affected area up to three times per day until it resolves. Also, avoid scratching the area.


These are normal and very common in areas with coarse, dense hair, and their presence indicates an effective laser treatment. Also known as folliculitis, these small bumps will resolve within a few days, and will be less intense with each subsequent treatment. To help them resolve quickly, avoid direct heat, as well as activities that cause you to sweat. Avoid picking, scratching, shaving, and tight clothing. Apply hydrocortisone 1% and Aquaphor® 3 times a day until resolved.


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